Index of Meeting Notes

Goodbye for now (02/11/2025)
Number Triangles (02/10/2025)
Prime Factor Stacks (12/26/2024)
Happy Numbers (03/29/2024)
Function Diagrams (05/25/2023)
Shadow Math (04/27/2023)
Billiards! (01/26/2023)
Music and Polypad (12/28/2022)
Story Tables (11/20/2022)
What Comes Next? (10/06/2022)
Hanger Diagrams (08/17/2022)
Egyptian Fractions (02/24/2022)
Stubborn as a Goat (06/07/2021)
Number Visuals (04/02/2021)
Sequences (03/15/2021)
A Chess Puzzle (02/04/2021)
A pile of coconuts (10/21/2020)
Rainbow Squares (09/27/2020)
Voronoi Patterns (09/24/2020)
Number Pyramids (06/20/2020)
Factor Graphs (05/12/2020)
Star Polygons! (05/03/2020)
Math Art Challenges (04/04/2020)
The Game of Set (02/10/2020)
Apportionment Math! (12/03/2019)
Election Math (10/10/2019)
“Reversed” Ages (09/19/2019)
Penny Collection (07/24/2019)
The Game of Life (06/25/2019)
Pentominoes! (05/05/2019)
Return to the Fold (04/20/2019)
Celtic Knots (03/21/2019)
Temperature is Cool (02/02/2019)
Pedaling a Bicycle (09/18/2018)
Exploding Dots (06/28/2018)
Skellzies! (06/08/2018)
A Strange Algorithm (05/31/2018)
Factor Towers (05/16/2018)
The Wet Iphone Task (04/26/2018)
Mondrian Art Puzzle (12/09/2017)
Mark’s Metrocard (11/10/2017)
Multiple Factors (10/14/2017)
Growing Rectangles (05/19/2017)
Gerrymandering Math (11/09/2016)
Dana’s Rectangle (10/13/2016)
Grid Power (07/21/2016)
Slip Sliding Away (01/08/2016)
Pascal’s Triangle (11/13/2015)
CAMI Grab Bag (04/14/2015)
Pentagon Patterns (12/16/2014)