Fun with Paper and Scissors and Tape

Facilitator(s): Sarah Lonberg-Lew
Date of Meeting: 6/20/23

We started off this meeting with a brainstorm of what you can do with paper. Check out our Jamboard to see all the varied and creative ideas we came up with. 

I then led the group through an exploration that involved cutting, taping, noticing, wondering, making a prediction, and then more cutting. Here is a link to the slides. You can follow the pictures to do the exploration yourself. 

I tried to get the group to settle on some questions to explore, but everyone was too eager to do more experiments with paper and there was no stopping them. We stayed as a whole group, talking about what we were trying (which included explorations of Möbius strips) and shared pictures and descriptions of our work on a Padlet. Here is a picture of our creations :

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