Number Pyramids

In this meeting, we explored Henri Piccioto’s number pyramid puzzles through notice/wonder, generating questions for problem-solving and additional puzzles for students.

At the beginning of the meeting, we shared some favorite sources of puzzles we like to use with students, include Which One Doesn’t Belong, Sometimes, Always, Never, and Open Middle.

Then I introduced Number Pyramids. Thank you to Henri Piccioto and his amazing web site of math resources. Here is the sequence we used:

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Factor Graphs

Sarah Lonberg-Lew of the Adult Numeracy Network and SABES joined us from Gloucester, MA to lead this meeting with me (honestly, I did very little). We explored a diagram that Play With Your Math calls factor graphs. They got the idea from Things to Make and Do in the Fourth Dimension, by the mathematician and educator Matt Parker. (Check out Numberphile for some of his videos.)

The week before the meeting we sent out this teaser:

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Dividing a 2-digit number by the sum of its digits

Three very different visual solutions were shared in response to a problem about dividing 2-digit numbers.

This was our first online meeting (made necessary by the COVID-19 outbreak). It was a great distraction and made it possible for Adult Numeracy Network friends to join us from the Hudson Valley, Massachusetts, and Wisconsin. Our meetings for the next few months will almost certainly be online, so join us if you’re able.

The problem for this meeting came from Math with Bad Drawings and @mathsjem before that:

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“Reversed” Ages

A simple situation with a mother and daughter’s ages leads to many questions and interesting observations.

In August, at a summer board meeting of the Adult Numeracy Network, the fabulous Sarah Lonberg-Lew (@MathSarahLL) shared a problem. Well, it wasn’t really a problem, more like something she noticed. In the meeting, she asked what we noticed and what questions we might ask.

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Penny Collection

Solange led us in a meeting about teaching mathematics with a focus on discovery, investigation, and student thinking.

In this meeting, Solange presented us with the following problem:

Consider a collection of pennies with the following constraints:

When the pennies are put in groups of 2 there is one penny left over. When they are put in groups of three, five and six there is also one penny left over. But when they are put in groups of seven there are no pennies left over. How many pennies could there be?

Thank you to for the problem.

Can you help us out? Can you find a solution? Can you find more than one? What strategies are you using?

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Playing with Prime Factors

Starting with a colorful visual representation of numbers, we looked at a series of problems based on prime factors.

For the last few months, I’ve been working on study materials on exponents and roots. While doing research for the packet, I started to get interested in factors and especially prime factors. It turns out that they are really useful for thinking about lots of different kinds of math that we have been looking recently. For example, the mathematics of bicycle gears or Spirograph both have to do with factors, as do fractions, place value, exponents and other math that is relevant to math teaching in adult literacy.

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Exploding Dots

Sophie gave us an introduction to the strange world of Exploding Dots, which can be used to represent all kinds of math. We started with place value.

In July’s evening CAMI meeting, we met an interesting machine, the “two one” machine, written like this: 1<–2 machine.

Here’s how the machine works:

We can add dots to the box on the far right – as many as we want! Whenever there are two dots in the same box…

…they EXPLODE!

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