Audrey introduced the group to a classic problem from optimal stopping theory (whatever that is). 🙂
If you’re on the search for a new secretary, how would you choose who to hire? For June’s evening CAMI meeting, Audrey shared a classic problem with the group:
The Popular Secretarial Problem!
There are N applicants for a secretarial position. The applicants are interviewed in random order, and you must accept or reject a candidate immediately after interviewing them.
After you reject someone, there is no way to bring them back.
There is only one position available. So as soon as you accept a candidate, you’re done. What strategy should you use in order to maximize the likelihood of hiring the best candidate out of the N applicants?
Some of the assumptions we used when exploring the problem:
- There is one best candidate.
- If you could see all the candidates at one (you can’t), you would be able to rank them all from best to worst.
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