The Game of Set

For the first evening meeting of 2020, Greg Fein led us through an exploration of the card game, Set.

The meeting began with Greg passing out a few decks of the game Set and giving time for all to explore the cards. Some of us were familiar with the game, but for others this was the first time seeing these cards. We then shared our observations of the cards in the deck.

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Apportionment Math!

For November’s evening meeting, Eric led us through an interesting exploration of past and present methods of determining how many congressional seats to apportion to states of various populations.

The meeting began with the following warm up:

An adult education program is hiring 37 teachers to teach at 3 different sites. Each teacher can work at one site only.

Site A: 1500 students/year

Site B: 1000 students/year

Site C: 100 students/year

How many teachers should go to each site?

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The Mysterious Bicycle Tracks

Audrey led the group through a classic problem which allowed us to use sidewalk chalk and ride bikes.

August’s CAMI meeting began with the following story:

You are brought to a crime scene. You are told that a thief just made off with a bag full of diamonds, escaping on a bicycle. You come across the following pair of bicycle tracks in the snow, no doubt made by the fleeing thief. But which way did the thief go?

Continue reading “The Mysterious Bicycle Tracks”